our quality commitment
We are a trusted partner for our customers

Our quality commitment is based on strict requirements.
We are daily process of permanent improvement centered on the motivation and the training of our teams, the acquisition of tools and advenced materials and a total respect of the law.
We are ISO 9001 and EN 9100 certified.
- The ISO 9001 certification assures our customers of the good control of all our processes with the aim of serving the customer according to its constraints of cost, quality and time.
- The ISO 9001 certification, specific to the aeronautics, space, defense and armament sectors, positions us at the European level as an expert to operate in these fields. Thus, ICM Industrie is integrated in the international database OASIS which lists the suppliers of the aeronautics all over the world.

We issue certificates and approvals for distributed or machined materials
- Certificate of conformity NF L00-015
- Specific to aeronautics and space. It ensures the conformity of the materials defined in the contract and specifies the general conditions they must meet.
- Certificate of conformity NF EN 10204
- 2.1 – Certificate of conformity to the order
- The manufacturer certifies that the material used in the manufacture of the product complies with the requirements of the order. Test results are not indicated.
- 2.2 – Test report
- The manufacturer provides the test report. (not specific)
- 3.1 – Acceptance certificate
- The inspection representative, independent of the manufacturer, certifies the results of the specific requests.
- 3.2 – Approval certificate
- The inspection representative, independent of the manufacturer, appointed by the buyer, certifies the results of the specific requests.
- 2.1 – Certificate of conformity to the order
European standards and regulations to which we are subject
- REACH – Regulation applicable in European industry to secure the manufacture and use of chemical substances.
- ROHS – European Directive that limits the use of certain dangerous substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment. (EEE)
- ESA –Standards applicable to the management of aeronautical and space projects, provided by the European Space Agency.
- ASNA – European standard applicable to the manufacture of specific aeronautical and space-related hardware.

Approval of materials
- UL 94 – Standard for flammability and fire safety of materials used in equipment.
- EN 45545 – Fire-safety standard that authorizes the use of materials specific to the railway sector.
- FDA (Food and Drug Administration) – Sanitary standard applicable to materials in contact with food (1935/2004/CE, 2002/72/CE)
- USP Classe VI – Compatibility standard for plastics materials used in the manufacture of medical devices.
We are able to deliver all the approvals specific to your applications.